Managing a Virtual Assistant Business

Course notes

This document is the course notes for the virtual assistant business management mini course. This course teaches you how to manage a virtual assistnt business. If you haven’t already, enrol in this free course here

Virtual assistant business management mini-course


List of Modules 

Module 1 – Time management – problems and solutions

Module 2 – A system to manage time  

Module 3 – A system to manage emails 

Module 4  – A system to manage projects / tasks

Module 5 – A system to manage clients 

Module 6 – Systems to automate and manage your business

Module 7 – A system to manage finance 

Module 8 – Common mistakes to avoid

Module 9 – Work-life balance / wellbeing 


To benefit most from the virtual assistant business management course we recommend completing the course in the correct order. You can stop to reflect at the end of each module before moving on to the next. 

Complete the course at a steady pace. Include breaks to ensure you have time to think, research, and absorb the information. 

Before you begin Module one, download the free forms and templates in the VA Management Pack. You will be using these templates throughout the course and for managing your virtual assistant business. The virtual assistant management pack includes: 


Download yours for free now. Click here to download. 

Module 1 –  Time management – Problems and solutions
Benefits of good time management  Consequences of poor time management 
Reliable | deadlines met  Unreliable | deadlines not met  
More productive | get more done faster Less productive | get less done 
Business can grow quicker Slows business growth
Have more time to dedicate Have less time | time is wasted
Reduces stress can boost energy  Can induce stress and reduce energy and increase negativity 
Better quality of work  Quality may be at risk due to lack of time 
Increases confidence in management ability Deflate confidence in management ability
PROBLEM 1 – Spending too much time on clients tasks rather than spending time on your own business.


SOLUTIONPut your business first

Create a scheduled work plan. Whatever time you begin working, begin by scheduling time to work on your own business first. 

This means if you start work at 9am and finish by 3pm, you should use a minimum of the first two hours to complete your business admin and marketing. 


ACTION- Download and use the daily work planner in the VA. Management Pack

Schedule the first block of time each day for you to complete your business tasks. You should continue to do your business tasks first each working day until you are in the position to outsource or employ someone to do your business admin or marketing for you. 

PROBLEM 2 – Spending too long on individual tasks 

You are going to need to become a pro at estimation to avoid underpricing yourself. If you charge a certain amount of money for a task to be completed, and you estimate a task will take you a shorter length of time than it actually does, then you are losing valuable time and money. 

Getting accurate with your estimations is going to take a little practice and tweaking. 


SOLUTIONTime tracking

Track how long certain tasks take you and use that information to predict how long other similar tasks would take. Then calculate how much you should charge. 

If you’re a new virtual assistant time tracking is going to be really useful. Not only will time tracking show you what you have been spending your time on, but you’ll also feel great when you start noticing how you complete tasks faster as you become more experienced. 


ACTION – Use the work smart sheet and list every task that you do, how long the task usually takes you, and how long you would like it to take you. Then brainstorm a number of ways this could be achieved.


PROBLEM 3 – Doing too much with too little return

This is mainly a startup issue but can also be an issue with seasoned virtual assistants that can’t seem to get their income to rise above a certain level.  

Do you find yourself running around and doing too much? 

Do you find yourself in the same position as the people you are trying to help? 


SOLUTION Focus on income-producing tasks instantly 

Focus on completing tasks that generate income the fastest. 


ACTION – Make a list and determine which five things you could be doing that are going to boost your income the fastest and focus on these things.  

As mentioned in PROBLEM 1 – you must schedule time for your business tasks. This counts as an important business task. Use this time also to start performing the top income-generating tasks. 

Complete the quiz in the course to help you identify income-generating tasks.


Module 2 –  A system to manage time  

As a virtual assistant, your duties and responsibilities include: 

  • Handing work to your client by a specific deadline. 
  • Working according to instructions as well as having the ability to use your initiative. 
  • Handling multiple clients whilst providing a high standard of service to all clients.
  • Being organised, which is the overall key to good time management. 


A time management system to manage clients 

  1. Online Calendar – An online calendar lets you schedule meetings and events and sends you reminders about any upcoming activities. 

2. Work planner / Diary – A physical place to schedule tasks and appointments. Keep it with you at all times in case you are in a situation where you don’t have an internet connection. You will still have the information to know what to do next. 

3. Online scheduling tool  – Use an online scheduling tool to manage your time and separate your availability for particular services. 

An online scheduling tool allows clients to directly schedule appointments with you. 

An online scheduling tool can automate your business services and can sync with your online calendar. 


Structure your day

As a V.A. your working day should consist of the following tasks in this order

  1. Business tasks –  admin/ marketing/ research/ planning / income-producing tasks

As discussed in Module 1 these should be the first tasks you complete each day. 

2. Client outreach –  Social media networking / other online networking / sending proposals / arranging meetings with potential clients

3. Client tasks – This is the time that you complete the tasks you have been hired to do.

You also need to make sure that you manage your emails – this will be discussed in Module 3. 

Tips to save time 

To save time and remain organised keep the following information open on your PC at all times.

  • Bookmark list – List of bookmarked web pages including V.A resources, tools, software, guides, and tutorials etc.
  • URL list  – A list of all the URL links that you use including all your website pages, blog post pages, social media links, scheduling links, affiliate links etc. 
  • Price list – Keeping a price list handy on your desk will make sure your always ready and confident when stating your prices.
  • Customer consultation form – To note down client information and to use questions as a guide through the consultation process.


ACTION – Create your lists

  1. Create a bookmark folder for your business – Add all the websites you commonly visit or that are useful. You can also change the title of the bookmark list to help categorise pages. 
  2. Create a document with a list of URLs. Add links you use regularly from your website, blog, affiliate links, and social media links. 
  3. Use the price list template in the VA Management Pack. Fill in the template to organise and separate your prices for specific services. 
  4. Use the client consultation form that is included in the VA Management pack to write client notes. Use the questions on the form as a guide during consultations.


Module 3 – A system to manage emails 

How to manage your inbox 

  • Set time blocks to check your email 

Check your emails three times a day. At the start of the workday, in the middle, and at the end. 

  • Take action every time you visit your inbox 

Each time you visit your inbox do one of the following four actions 

Reply – Immediately to the email

Delete – Immediately if necessary 

Send to waiting folder – To follow up with the email another day

Leave it in the inbox – To reply later that day. 


If there is a deadline related to the email you can add the email as a task in your task management app to ensure it is done on time. To keep your spam folder clear you will need to keep an eye on it. Delete any junk emails, and ensure all the items in the folder are actually junk.  

ACTION  – Follow the email productivity and timesaving tips below

  • Only keep emails requiring immediate action in your inbox 
  • Create a waiting folder for action-pending emails
  • Use your calendar to track emails that require follow-up
  • Create templates for your go-to responses
  • Avoid open-ended questions when sending and replying to emails
  • Delegate emails where appropriate
  • Turn off email notifications
  • Squeeze in emails during downtime 
  • Don’t waste your email signature
  • Use keywords so you can make threads more searchable
  • Set inbox rules or filters

Module 4A system to manage projects/ tasks

Use a task management app to do the following:

  • Create and schedule new tasks 
  • Assign tasks to others
  • See which tasks need to be completed
  • View overdue tasks 
  • Prioritise and class tasks
  • Create business milestones

ACTION – Complete quiz to identify how to prioritise tasks

Module 5 – A system to manage clients 

7 step system to manage virtual assistant clients 

1 – Client consultation stage

2 – Use client management app to manage and record payments

3 – Service agreement and contract

4 – Create client profile on CRM

5 – Complete client task 

6 – Progress updates

7 – Send a tracked upsell email


Module 6 – A system to automate and manage your business 


You can automate leads to your website 

There are three ways this can be done

  • Sales funnels take clients through multiple buying stages turning them from a lead into a customer. 

  • Lead-generating software will allow prospects to register their interest. This can be synced with your CRM so the prospects information is automatically updated on your database. 

VCita automates your lead generation by capturing leads and automatically updating and adding them to your CRM.

  • Lead generation tool. This will collect leads for you based on interest from other companies.

For more information about virtual assistant tools and software click here.

Project and tasks 

You can automate your project management by using a task management app to schedule your business tasks, manage teams and manage clients. 

ClickUp is a project management app that automates tasks by managing and assigning tasks within a team. Your tasks will automatically sync and update with your calendar.

Email automation – There are two ways you can automate emails in your virtual assistant business. 

  • Email subscription 

Automate your emails to send them automatically to new people who sign up to your mailing list. So when someone visits your website or blog and signs up for your email list, they will automatically receive emails that you specifically pre-planned. 

MailChimp is an email subscription platform that automates email subscriptions. You can use MailChimp to automatically manage and market to multiple email marketing lists.


  • Email campaign automation 

This type of automation is for outbound marketing campaigns. You can automate email marketing campaigns to reach out to potential prospects on a mass marketing scale while still personalising each email. is a free email campaign automation software that automates email campaigns by creating a schedule and sending campaign emails automatically.


Social media automation –  Using a social media scheduling tool you can automate your social media posts across multiple platforms.

Buffer will automate your social media by scheduling multiple posts in advance. You can use this to manage multiple accounts at once for yourself and for your clients.


Module 7 – A system to manage finances

How to manage finances as a virtual assistant

  • Use a separate bank account for your business transactions

There are multiple bank accounts that you can set up online within minutes. Having a separate bank account for your business will help you separate personal and business finances.

  • Use your business account to pay for all business expenses and to receive income from your business. 

  • Track income and expenditure using a finance management tool. You can also use the free expense tracker form included in the VA Management Pack.


Module 8 – Common mistakes to avoid

AVOIDFocusing on the wrong aspects of your business 

As mentioned in Module 1, your main focus when managing a virtual assistant business should be: 

  1. Administration  – To stay organised and to ensure you do not have a backlog.
  2. Marketing – To position yourself in front of your target audience so that your brand becomes familiar.
  3. Income-generating tasks – So that you earn money from your business. Tasks could include proposals, bidding for jobs, writing a mini e-book, up-selling existing clients, or applying for virtual assistant positions. Whatever will generate income for you the fastest is where your focus should be. This is particularly important if you are a virtual assistant startup.


AVOIDFailing to develop processes and systems that allow you to work smarter and earn faster. 

Create the following systems:

  • Work smart system – Use the work smart sheet to develop faster systems so you reduce time spent on tasks, whilst still earning a good income.

  • Marketing plan – so you know who you are marketing to, why, how and when. – A Marketing plan template is available for you to download in the Client finder pack.

  • Business plan – To plan and develop your business growth. Download a business plan template in the VA Startup pack.  

These plans and systems are going to accelerate your business growth. Your business plan is something you should visit from time to time and update. Make your life as a virtual assistant easier by taking consistent action on your marketing plan. By Developing these systems you can earn money faster. 


AVOIDNot doing proper research

Doing market research before starting your virtual assistant business will help you get started on the right foot. 

Ensure you continuously do research to stay up to date with virtual assistant trends, information and news.


Click here to stay up to date with the latest news, tools and tips for virtual assistants. There is a whole library of information on VA processes, tools and software. We provide free virtual assistant training, tutorials, and courses that you can use to research, plan and develop your virtual assistant business. 


Module 9 – Wellbeing work / life balance 

Wellbeing tip 1Take regular breaks

Rest your eyes and back. If possible invest in a comfortable desk chair that supports your back properly.

Try and take breaks that include going outside and breathing fresh air. This will revitalize and refresh you. 


Wellbeing tip 2Do not overwork yourself

Overworking yourself can be counter-productive. Use the work smart sheet and maintain good time management to maintain better work-life balance.


Wellbeing tip 3Enjoy yourself

Ensure that you enjoy yourself as much as you can at work and outside of work. If there is anything about your business that you don’t like you can change it. 

Hopefully, you have enjoyed this mini-course. If you want to learn more about managing a virtual assistant business enrol in the full virtual assistant business management course. The course is delivered in a 1-1 live class with a virtual assistant trainer. Enrol here.


If you enjoyed this virtual assistant business course and want to see other virtual assistant courses click here. 

VA Business Management Course

The Virtual Assistant Startup & Management Pack Includes: Templates, Checklists & Forms Download FREE