Frequently Asked Questions

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant is someone who completes tasks online for other businesses from a remote location. A virtual assistant can provide one or multiple services.


Here at Prime Personal Assistant, we help our customers with:

Virtual assistance – Administration / Marketing

Web design

Content Creation 

I am already a virtual assistant, do I need a course?

If you have already started running your own virtual assistant business,

The Client finder course will help you get more of your ideal customers.

The Scale and Grow course is for those who want to take their business to the next level.


Why not enrol in our Virtual Assistant Business management course? This course is free and will give you a taste of what our other courses are like. You can check out the complete course list here.

What type of support do you provide?

If you enrol in the Virtual assistant business start-up course, you receive email support for six weeks and 2x scheduled telephone support calls.

If you enrol in the Scale and grow course, you receive two months of email support and ongoing phone support for three months.

Contact us to find out more about what we can do to support you further after completing your course.



Do I need to do a course before I can become a virtual assistant?

It is not a necessity to enrol in a course before starting your virtual assistant career.

Enrolling in one of our courses puts the correct information together for you and helps you avoid mistakes that may cause you delays when setting up your business. We teach a system that works.

There is so much free information available here for you to get your business going. There is also plenty of self-study information, including processes and how to’s. Visit our blog to see more.


Contact us if you want to make an enquiry

The Virtual Assistant Startup & Management Pack Includes: Templates, Checklists & Forms Download FREE