How to start a virtual assistant business

  • Rise in demand for Virtual Assistants 18% 18%

Learn how to start a high income business working as a virtual assistant from home


Get the best money making productivity tips for your virtual assistant business.

Everything you need to know to set up and manage a virtual assistant business. Free resources, processes, checklists and forms.

Why study here?

Prime P.A. Training centre was opened by Sarian Otudeko after successfully starting Prime P.A. virtual support services.


I am an active V.A. that enjoys the freedom of running a virtual assistant business.

I enjoy it so much I got a Diploma in Education and Training to effectively teach others how to do the same.

Virtual Assistant | Trainer

7 Steps to start a virtual assistant business

1. Services

2. Tools and Software

3. Payment / Policies / Processes / Plans

4. Branding

5. Business  Registration and Setup

6. Create a Website

7. Marketing

7 steps to start a virtual assistant business

  • Rise in demand for Virtual Assistants 18% 18%

1. Services

2. Tools and Software

3. Payment / Policies / Processes / Plans

4. Branding

5. Business  Registration and Setup

6. Create a Website

7. Marketing

Woman doing e-learning at a desk

V.A.’s qualified to teach 

Diploma in Education and Training.

Professional Graduate Certificate in

Education and Training.

Virtual assistant forms, contracts and scripts

Choose how you learn

1-2-1 Coaching and Training

1-2-1 Training and coaching is available for entrepreneurs who want to


  • Learn a new skill
  • Start a virtual assistant business
  • Scale and grow their business
Courses + Additional Support

Fast-track to virtual success  –  by enrolling on a course


Click here to see our online courses


Study the categories, processes and how-to guides in our blog.

Train independently and focus on the area you want to develop.

Virtual Assistant Courses

Courses designed by virtual assistants that are trained to teach


Client Finder Course

Client Finder Course

For virtual assistants that want more clients

Virtual assistant Start-up Course

Virtual Assistant Start-up Course

For new virtual assistants (Includes client finder course)

Scale and Grow Course

Scale and Grow Course


For virtual assistants who want to grow their business x10

V.A. Management Course

V.A. Management Course

For virtual assistants to efficiently manage clients and business

Earn more money by learning new virtual assistant skills

Set your own schedule and make more money than you make now

Make money by learning a new skill and providing it as a service to your clients. You can also use your new skill for your business as well. 

1-1 Virtual assistant skills training


WordPress Training

Social Media Training

Google Analytics Training

Start or Grow your Business

Did you know?   The Start up V.A. course includes the popular client finder course FREE


of trainees grow their business within 4 weeks of completing the Client finder course. 

Join thousands of other people earning an income from home.

Start building your virtual assistant career today

Join others who enjoy earning money working from home

Check out our free virtual assistant resource guides in the VA Training blog.



Extra Income


The Virtual Assistant Startup & Management Pack Includes: Templates, Checklists & Forms Download FREE