Hiring a professional Virtual assistant

Vs a freelancer 

In this article, we discuss the benefits of hiring a professional virtual assistant compared to hiring a virtual assistant freelancer. We explore the differences and the benefits of hiring both types of virtual assistants. 

Many small business owners don’t realise there is added value when hiring a professional virtual assistant, compared to hiring a virtual assistant who simply freelances. 

professional virtual assistant

What is a virtual assistant freelancer?

A virtual assistant freelancer is someone who provides virtual assistant services to business owners, companies and entrepreneurs. They can be hired on freelancing websites such as People Per Hour or Fiverr


What is a professional virtual assistant? 

Just like freelancers, a professional virtual assistant also provides services to clients. The main difference is that a professional virtual assistant is usually a company consisting of one or more virtual assistants who are responsible for attracting their own clients by marketing their virtual assistant business and services. Professional VA’s often use a variety of marketing methods to attract clients, this can include social media, a business website, and email marketing. In addition to their independent marketing, some professional VA’s will also source customers by advertising their services on an online freelancing website just as a regular freelancer does. 

There are eight main advantages to hiring a professional V.A vs hiring a virtual assistant freelancer, we will discuss these below. 


1. Training and development

Professional virtual assistants spend a lot of time and money training and learning new skills and software. 

This means if there is new or upgraded software that can get you better results your professional virtual assistant is likely to be aware and will be able to make recommendations to improve your business based on their training, knowledge, and experience. 

Professional virtual assistant skills

2. More reliable and better availability 

Professional virtual assistant companies usually invest a lot of money into software, training and developing their skills. 

Due to these investments, and also because of commitments to existing clients. Professional virtual assistant companies are more than likely to continue to provide services for the long term. 

Virtual assistant freelancers are not obligated to continue serving clients on the freelancing website they register on. The site does not require them to continually provide services for a specific length of time. They are free to stop providing their services at any time. 


Hiring a professional virtual assistant can give you better surety that your V.A will be available and around for the long term. 

If you have already assigned a job to a virtual assistant on a freelancing site, more than likely they will complete that job, however, if you want to use the same virtual assistant again, there is a chance you may not be able to if they have decided to leave the site. 

You will usually get the same virtual assistant if you hire a professional virtual assistant, this is because most professional V.A’s operate their business as a sole trader. Therefore because they work by themselves you get access to the same virtual assistant over and over again. 


A professional virtual assistant company that’s growing may also hire or outsource to other skilled virtual assistants whom they already have a working relationship with. So if your professional virtual assistant is part of a team or agency, and you need to use their services, then more than likely you can use the same virtual assistant again. 

Having continuous access to the same V.A is very useful especially if there is a specific way you like tasks to be completed. Consider the scenario below.


You use a freelancing website to request a virtual assistant to do a job, and you want the job done in a specific way. 


You hire a freelancer from a freelance marketplace website and they complete the job specifically the way you want. 

Time passes and you need the same job done again. It would be ideal to have the same freelancer to complete the job.

You then go back to the freelancing website but the freelancer has disappeared. Now you have to find another virtual assistant who understands the specifics of the task, and can deliver your work the way you expect. 

If you want consistent results it’s best to get a virtual assistant that is consistent and readily available. 

hire a virtual assistant freelancer

3. Client benefits and rewards 

Benefits and rewards schemes such as virtual assistant referral schemes are usually available when using a professional virtual assistant. 

Some virtual assistant reward schemes give you free hours for recommending a client or they give you discounted rates. 

Retainer packs like the example pictured below are one of the ways to reduce costs. Retainer packs are particularly beneficial if you need continuous business support.  Retainer pricing allows clients to buy virtual assistant hours at a reduced rate. The more house you buy the bigger the discount usually.  

Retainer packs are additional benefits that professional virtual assistants provide, you won’t usually get retainer deals when hiring a virtual assistant through a freelancing website. This is an example one of the retainer deals we offer to clients at Prime PA. 

4. Referrals to other virtual assistants within the community

The virtual assistant community is very supportive and we network with each other. We do this to share ideas and learn from each other and to outsource to other virtual assistants when we are really busy. 

Because of this, a professional virtual assistant is likely to be able to recommend the right virtual assistant to complete other tasks you need done that require specialist experts. 


5. Option to choose the communication method

You get to choose the method of communication when you use an independent professional virtual assistant company.

When you hire a virtual assistant from an online freelancing website you can only communicate with them using the methods available on the platform. This method is always email. You are even advised not to communicate with your virtual assistant outside of the freelancing platform. If you’re the sort of person that likes to get on the phone rather than write lengthy email instructions then an independent professional virtual assistant company is a better choice for you. 

hire virtual assistant team

6. Team 

Using a professional virtual assistant can help you build a team. At Prime P.A. we have multi-skilled virtual assistants and expert specialists that can be hired as and when you need them. This way you can build your own team of virtual assistants who work together on your business goals. 

The only way it is possible to get a team of VA’s through a freelancing website is by hiring multiple freelancers. However, you won’t have the added benefit of the VA’s being able to collaborate and work together which often produces outstanding results. 

In addition to this if you are using a virtual assistant company that does quality checks before your work is submitted to you, then you will also have the added benefit of having an extra pair of eyes check over your V.A’s work to ensure you are continuously receiving the highest standard of work. 

7. Information 

It’s our job as virtual assistants to ensure we stay up to date with the latest information that helps us and also helps our clients. 

Many professional virtual assistants write newsletters and blogs that you can subscribe to and get tips and tricks related to time-saving and productivity. 

Once your virtual assistant is aware of any new information to support your business and its goals they will discuss it with you. If during your progress meetings or updates, your virtual assistant does not have time to discuss the information, they will send you an email with the information that can specifically help your business. 

The value of a professional V.A is equivalent to the value of having an active business partner who is sourcing useful information as well as completing work for your business.  


8. Experience

A lot of virtual assistant companies will only hire virtual assistants that have a certain level of experience and skills, this is to ensure they are fit to do the job correctly for the company’s clients. The virtual assistant may have to go through a series of assessments and provide examples of their previous work and experience before they are accepted for the job. 

However, on a freelancing website, freelancers set their own level of experience and do not have to provide any proof to the website to back up their claims. 

Most freelancers will not add skills they do not possess to their profile.  However if you ever find yourself in that situation there is usually buyer protection included on freelancing sites. But just remember, even if you get your money back you will still have lost some of your valuable time. 

hiring a virtual assistant freelancer

When you should hire a virtual assistant freelancer from an online marketplace

You should hire a virtual assistant who only freelances if: 

  • The task is basic and anyone can complete it 
  • You want a wide range of virtual assistants to select from 
  • You want to hire a virtual assistant for a lower than average rate
  • Your happy to communicate only via e-mail 
  • Your focus is results and you don’t require proof of experience. 


When you should hire a professional virtual assistant 

You should use a professional virtual assistant company like Prime PA when: 

  • You require a virtual assistant with guaranteed experience
  • You want the freedom to choose how you communicate
  • You want the option of support to develop systems and processes
  • You want to be able to pause or stop projects and come back and have the same virtual assistant 
  • You want to know the latest information, software and tips to improve your productivity
  • You like the idea of having a dedicated helper or the idea of building a team of dedicated helpers



A virtual assistant freelancer may have the skills and experience that you need to complete your tasks but they do not have the 7 benefits listed above. If you want to experience the full benefits of having a virtual assistant then choose a professional virtual assistant company. To book a call with a professional V.A click here 

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