How to Set up eBay Multi-User Account Access for your VA

With multi-user account access, you can easily delegate different aspects of your eBay account management to a virtual assistant.

Multi-user account access (also known as MUAA) lets you assign specific eBay tasks to your virtual assistant and creates an activity log so you can keep track of the work your virtual assistant has done.  

ebay multi user account access

How eBay multi-user account access works 


With MUAA you can grant your virtual assistant access to your eBay account by sending an invite from the Account Permissions page in My eBay. 

You need to opt into eBay Seller Hub so that once you have sent your VA your  invite they can begin to managing aspects of your eBay account.

At Prime PA our eBay virtual assistants already have eBay accounts ready to use to access your account. If the VA you wish to grant access to doesn’t have an eBay account, they’ll need to create an account first.

You can choose which aspects of your eBay account you want to delegate to your virtual assistant by granting any of the following selling permissions that will enable your virtual assistant to carry out tasks.

  • Create and edit drafts
  • Publish and revise listings
  • View orders
  • Add postage tracking
  • Print postage labels
  • Manage refunds, requests and disputes
  • Create and manage promotions, buyer groups
  • Create and manage advertising campaigns
  • Research products using Terapeak
  • Download order report
  • Manage member to member permissions


Once you’ve selected the permissions you want to grant to your VA. Your virtual assistant can begin to perform tasks on your behalf while in the Seller Hub. 

Your virtual assistant is only able to perform tasks you have given them permission for and that you have delegated to them. Your password and other personal information associated with your eBay account remain secure and won’t be shared with your VA or with any other eBay account that you invite through MUAA.

Outsourcing to a virtual assistant

How to send an invitation to grant eBay multi-user account access 

  1. Go to the Account Permissions page in My eBay.
  2. Select Add user.
  3. Enter the name and email address of the user you’d like to add and select the permissions.
  4. Select Add user.

You can invite more than one virtual assistant to perform tasks on behalf of your business. For additional security whenever you invite a new account they will be required to enable 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) to access your account.

If your virtual assistant doesn’t have an eBay account when you send them an invitation, they’ll need to create an account using the same email address that the invitation was sent to.


Track your virtual assistant’s progress using eBay activity logs

Once you have granted your virtual assistant permission to manage your eBay account you can view an activity log that will show you all of the actions your virtual assistant has performed on your eBay account. The activity log includes the time, date and name of the account that performed each task. This is a great way of keeping track of what has and has not been done. If you have more than one eBay account you can view activity logs for each account.  


How to view eBay activity logs 

  1. Go to My eBay and select Account.
  2. Under Account Preferences, select Permissions.
  3. Select Activity.


Outsourcing to a virtual assistant

How to manage MUAA invitations and permissions

If you need to manage your MUAA invitations or permissions and make changes to your eBay MUAA invitations or permissions, eBay makes the process simple to do the following.  


  • View a list of all the accounts you’ve sent invitations to
  • Revoke an invitation
  • Change permissions
  • Remove permissions 


You can manage eBay multi-user account access invitations and permissions from the Account Permissions page in My eBay.

How an eBay virtual assistant can help you manage your eBay account 

An eBay virtual assistant is a professional who provides business support services to eBay business owners.  A virtual assistant works remotely usually from a home office performing various tasks on behalf of other businesses. You can hire an eBay virtual assistant to help you research and list your items, this will help your eBay business grow faster.

Having time to research products is fundamental to the growth and success of your eBay business. Double your productivity by hiring an eBay virtual assistant to create listings whilst you continue doing product research.

Or if you’d prefer you can get your eBay virtual assistant to do some product research as well. 

At Prime PA our eBay virtual assistants are eBay experts with professional experience that will help you grow your eBay business and reduce your workload. 

Download an eBay product listing sheet and send it to an eBay virtual assistant. 

Giving your virtual assistant access to your eBay store lets your virtual assistant get on with your eBay tasks with no risks to your actual account. 

By giving your virtual assistant access to your eBay account they can log in and begin giving you support. 

The Virtual Assistant Startup & Management Pack Includes: Templates, Checklists & Forms Download FREE