Creating a business logo and tagline

A logo is associated with your brand. Customers begin to identify your brand by your logo.

Creating a company logo

Your logo will be the face of your brand. It is sometimes the image that people first refer to in their minds when a particular company is mentioned. Your logo can be text-based, image-based or a mixture of both.

If you are not a designer but feeling creative and want to create a logo yourself, you can. With tools such as Canva available for free online, it is easy to create a simple new logo.

Here is an example of a logo I made using only Canva. 



If you are not feeling so creative and would rather leave your logo to a professional designer, you may want to check out online marketplaces where designers often gather and offer their services, such as Fiver and Upwork or People per hour.


The great things about websites like these are that you can shop for your designer according to your budget and research reviews and view samples of their projects.

Alternatively, you can contact a design company. This is a company that specialises in designing logos. Some of these companies charge quite a lot more than sites such as Fiverr and Upwork, as many of them have played a part in creating logos for some of the most common companies we see around the world today.


When shopping around for a logo, be sure to check reviews and samples and see if they have examples of a similar design to yours. You should also make sure to check which type of file you will be receiving your completed logo.

When creating a logo for your business, it is important that you are consistent with the brand image you want to portray. More information about that can be found here. 



A tagline is usually a few words or a short sentence that captures the reason, feeling or solution you offer. The tagline is usually displayed on your website and marketing documents near your logo. A tagline is not a must but can be very effective in done in the right way and can also send confirmation that you do what the prospect is looking for.


A lead generation company called TRL Generation that doesn’t have a tagline. I wouldn’t immediately recognise that this company is offering the service I am looking for. On the other hand, if The company TRL Generation had a tagline that says, e.g. Bringing quality leads, then it would be clear that this company helps provide leads.

So this can really help you when it comes to understanding what your company does without having to take a further look.


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