Virtual assistants provide business services to other businesses and entrepreneurs.

Below is a list of some services a virtual assistant can provide their clients. Also included are the skills required for each service.

Some virtual assistants specialise in one specific service known as a niche, others provide multiple niche services.

There are many different types of virtual assistants, as you will see from the list below. 

Depending on which service you choose, you may already have enough experience to get started now. If not, you may consider training to develop some new virtual assistant skills.

If you haven’t already, check out the guide on how to determine your virtual assistant services.



Research can be done online using search engines such as Google and other relevant websites that relate to the subject you are researching. 

Attention to detail

Outbound Telesales Campaigns

Your client may need someone to make their outbound calls, source new clients and build relationships over the phone. This may be cold-outreach, or it could be to their existing customer base.

Professional telephone manner

Customer service skills 

Reminder Service

With so many people having such a hectic schedule, it’s easy to get carried away and forget important things. Sometimes negative consequences arise as a result of not remembering important events, appointments or information. Help your clients to stay organised by starting a reminder service. This can be done by email, phone, text or mail.

Reliable and responsible attitude

Organisational skills 

E-shop Set Up and Management

Have you got amazing design skills that you could put to use? You can start providing a service by offering professional design skills.  You will be in charge of designing and creating their store-front, you may also be expected to manage, change and update products continuously. 

Web design skills

Organisational skills

Reliable and responsible attitude 


Have you got some expert knowledge that others would benefit from and pay you to learn? Then start a virtual training service. Start by learning how to structure a lesson, you can learn how to create a lesson plan here.

Subject matter expert

Organisational skills 

Presentation skills

Reliable and responsible attitude

Communication skills

Call Quality Monitoring

Can you recognise a quality call and top customer service skills? Are you able to provide constructive feedback and score the call appropriately?

This is a service that can be provided to telemarketing companies. You may also be expected to provide feedback directly to individual telesales agents.

Organisational skills

Attention to detail 


 Client Cards and gift buying

Have you got nice handwriting? Or are you good at buying gifts?

Sending personal client cards on behalf of your client will help maintain their business relationships.  This can include Thank you cards, birthday cards and various other personal cards.  

Ability to use own initiative

Design and presentation skills

Attention to detail


Travel Arrangements

Are you organised? Do you know how to organise a business trip, holiday or a quick get-away? A lot of people already use this service on the high street by using a travel agent.  This can be easily offered as a virtual service with many flight and hotel booking websites online.

This service can be offered as a business or personal service. 

Organisational skills

Reliable and responsible attitude

Communication skills


Management of company car/ phone/ insurance 

You will be required to maintain documents, discuss policies and liaise directly with insurance companies. This could involve making a claim, disputing a claim, or renewing the policy with the insurance company on behalf of your client.  

Organisational skills

Reliable and responsible attitude

Speech Writing

Have you got a knack for words? Do you know how to put confidence on paper? If so, many people could use your help to write content for a speech.


Communication skills

Domain Setup and Registration

Purchasing a domain name and setting it up for your customer is another service you can provide. This can also involve connecting the domain to an existing website. This is a service that incorporates well with the next service on this list which is web design. 


Attention to detail

Website design and management

Creating a website has been made easier with various free web design software and sites available online. Yet, people don’t want to build them themselves. For many different reasons, time being one of them.

Start by creating a portfolio first (even if they are just mock-ups), so you will have reviews and something to show your potential clients. 

Web design skills

Attention to detail

Reliable and responsible attitude


Email Management

Manage your client’s email and help them to stay organised by keeping their inbox clean and tidy. You may also be required to reply to emails for your clients. Find out how to manage multiple email accounts. 

Attention to detail

Organisational skills

Reliable and responsible attitude


Content Creation, Text Editing, Copywriting

Create or edit written content for blogs, documents or articles. Clients may ask to see examples of any previous content. Starting your own blog is a great way to get your work out there if you don’t have anything to show. 

Attention to detail

Marketing skills


Image Research

Searching for the perfect image for your client is another service you can provide. This could be for blogs, articles and various other marketing materials.


Attention to detail


Data Entry

Can you enter data onto a computer database quickly and accurately? Data entry is an admin service that is always in demand. This could vary from inputting information into a CRM or entering data from a questionnaire onto a clients database. 

Attention to detail

Responsible and reliable attitude

Organisational skills


Create, sort and send mailings to your client’s customers. This is a great service as many small businesses need to correspond with their clients via mailings and do not have the time to do this themselves. 

Marketing skills

Content creation skills

Scanning and Photocopying

If you have a good printer/scanner/photocopier, then this could be an excellent service for you to provide. This will require scanning and photocopying documents that are sent from your client. This is usually combined with the mailings service using documents the client has created or that you have created for them.  

Organisational skills


Marketing and P.R.

Helping your clients to market their business is a great service to add to your list. You can use the same skills and knowledge to market your business also. This can be broken down to include different forms of marketing such as digital marketing, social media marketing, content marketing.

Marketing and networking skills

Communication skills 



Are you organised and reliable enough to send out invoices on time? This role requires great responsibility as your clients could be relying on the income from the invoices. Your client may already have an invoicing software they use, alternatively they may require you to find them the right invoicing software or use your own to manage their account. 

Reliable and responsible attitude

Organisational skills

Attention to detail



Can you make visually stunning presentations and convey a specific message whilst keeping your audience captivated?

If so, you can start this service by using popular available software such as Microsoft Powerpoint or by checking out Prezi.

Design skills 

Organisational skills

Communication skills


Stock Purchasing

This can be done in a few different ways. Your client could provide you with a list of the exact items to be purchased.  They could expect you to research and find new stock to purchase.

Organisational skills 

Reliable and responsible attitude



Project Management

Are you good at keeping track of things and making sure everything gets ticked and tracked?

In this case, you should consider providing a virtual project management service. There are many different software options you can use to track your projects and even manage multiple projects at the same time. Check out Clickup – The number 1 project management app used to run Prime P.A. 

Check out the review here. 

Another popular choice is Basecamp.

Organisational skills

Management skills

Attention to detail

Reliable and responsible attitude


Image Editing

Can you edit images using the latest tech, such as Photoshop?  

If so, this is a skill that is in demand. If you don’t already have the skills, check out these popular beginner’s photoshop tutorials to get started.

Design skills

Technical skills

Attention to detail


Social Media Management

This is a service that is now in demand more than ever, as many businesses are aware of the benefits of social media marketing. If you have a history of pulling in customers through social media channels, or you enjoy using social media, then this is a service you should definitely consider. We provide 1-1 Social media training here.

Marketing and networking skills

Reliable and responsible attitude


Event Management

Event management can be a little tricky to complete virtually, but nevertheless, it can be done. Depending on who your client is and what the event is, they may require you to be there in person for the actual event. The majority of the event could be arranged virtually, however, you may benefit from seeing things in-person to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day. Alternatively, if you prefer to work remotely, you can arrange for someone else to do the leg work whilst you make the decisions and manage the project remotely. 

Reliable and responsible attitude

Attention to detail

Organisational skills


Pitch and proposal writing

Can you write a pitch that is going to leave the audience wanting to know more?

Many people have great ideas but just don’t know how to express them. This is where you come in with your awesome pitch and proposal writing skills to convey the message clearly.

Communication skills 

Research skills 


Search Engine Optimising

Improving search engine results on Google is a service you can consider offering as a virtual assistant. You will need knowledge of keyword research and onsite and offsite optimisation. Becoming an expert in search engine optimisation is very useful as you will apply all your knowledge to your own website and attract even more business. 

Marketing and networking skills

Organisational skills

Reliable and responsible attitude


Brand auditing

Can you create a memorable brand? Or revamp a brand and give it a whole new image? If so, companies out there could use your design and branding skills.

Design skills

Attention to detail

Business Consulting

Have you got what it takes to take a business from one level to the next? 

What are your achievements so far within this industry?

Don’t worry if you don’t have any yet. Learn what it takes to start here.

Organisational skills

Business management skills


This is not a complete list of services, but this should be enough ideas to get you started. Whether you are just starting a virtual assistant business or considering growing your business by offering more services, you should always be learning new skills, as these can also often be implemented in your business. 


Once you have explored all the different types of virtual assistant niches and have made the right decision as to which services you will provide, you will need to ensure you market these skills in the most effective way.

Check out our guide on how to market your virtual assistant business.



Ensure you only pick services you enjoy doing to avoid making unnecessary changes to your business in the future.

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